What's New :

"Open to All" Daily Mains Answer Writing

In UPSC Mains, effective answers require conceptual clarity, comprehensive syllabus coverage, and precise articulation within word limits, emphasizing holistic analysis over mere content delivery.

To cater the issue of effective answer writing, over the years, we have been running an open-to-all answer writing initiative. Through this endeavour, we observed two things:

  1. Lack of Answer Writing Skill: Many aspirants tend to write answers without the necessary skills. It is crucial to realize that writing answers just for the sake of it does not lead to significant improvement.
  2. Lack of Structured Answers: It is not sufficient to merely write answers; you need a concrete plan and program to enhance your answer writing skills, ultimately enabling you to craft high-quality responses.

In response to these observations, we have made the following changes in our Daily Mains Answer Writing initiative:

  1. Revised Open-to-All Daily Mains Answer Writing Timeline
    • Each candidate can now participate in open-to-all answer writing for a maximum of 15 days.
    • For example, if you register on the 1st of a month, your participation will be active until the 15th of that month.
  2. 'Samarth' - Answer Writing Skill Development Program
    • It is a one-stop solution to refine your skills for Answer Writing.
    • If you're keen on further enhancing your answer writing skills beyond the allotted 15 days, we invite you to join this specially designed program.
    • 'Samarth' is tailored to provide you with the guidance and tools needed for continuous improvement.
    • For detailed information about the program, please visit https://iasscore.in/upsc-courses/mains-answer-writing.

We believe that these modifications will significantly enhance your answer writing journey and lead to more fruitful outcomes.

For Updates and Mentorship of the Program Join the Telegram Group at: https://t.me/mains_answer_writing_cse

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