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All India PT Mock Test 2025 (OMR Based)

About Us

Iasscore.in is a dedicated online platform initiative by GS SCORE. Every aspirant is unique individual who needs stimulating atmosphere in which they can learn, improve, gradually evolve and finally compete. It is our desire as an educator to help students to meet their fullest potential by providing an environment that is designed to face the emerging challenges of their career.

With thousands of options, how will one pick a career that's right for an individual? If one does not have any idea what he/she want to do, the task may seem insurmountable. Fortunately, it isn't. One should put enough thought into it, and he or she will increase their chances of making a good decision which will lead to a good career.

IAS Score is such platform where a candidate can get guidance and free resources for civil services and state services preparation.

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GS SCORE is a teaching platform for Civil Services Examination, both in classroom and online. Learning in GS SCORE is driven by two predominant objectives- excellence and empowerment. For us, excellence is a drive to challenge yourself to be better. Empowerment for us does not mean only stuffing your mind with facts and information but to ignite your mind for imagination and creativity to respond to all kinds of challenges with wisdom and confidence.

Our approach and thrust is not on spoon feeding or on stereotypical theoretical knowledge. But it is to rightly apply knowledge for real life issues and develop problem solving capabilities by trying again and again and learning from mistakes with a firm resolve to improve and change.

In GS SCORE, learning liberates from fear of failure and helps to endure and stand tall amid all challenges till the goal is achieved. The outcomes which we take as measure of all our educational endeavours are wisdom, confidence and quality. Success for us is just the natural corollary of hard and honest work. We do not believe in magic or clicks, but in sincere efforts. We ensure that you will be able to harness your innate capabilities and transform yourself.

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