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Mains Current Affairs

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts CSE Mains for all those students who clear the UPSC Prelims Examination. The exam consists of 9 papers scheduled over 5 days. These papers consist of one Essay paper ( paper- I ), followed by 4 General studies paper which are GS-1( Paper- II ), GS2( Paper- III ), GS-3( Paper- IV ), and GS-4( Paper- V ). There are two optional papers, paper VI and Paper VII. Students can choose optional subjects from a list of 25 subjects. Two language papers are of qualifying in nature. Students can choose any one language from Schedule 8 and the other paper is conducted in English.

The mains syllabus is wide and lengthy, and often it can be overwhelming for the candidates. With the systematic and structured study of current affairs material for mains, one can develop a proper command of it. Current Affairs has become an integral part of all the mains questions papers. The questions in the mains papers are contemporary and require comprehensive knowledge of the topic. With the systematic and regular study of GS Score current affairs for mains, candidates can develop easy command of the topics. Current affairs also help the student in the Essay paper as well as the interview.

Students should align their current affairs preparation with the UPSC mains syllabus. GS score mains Current Affairs are uploaded subject wise to help the students navigate easily. Analysis of important editorials is updated regularly. Current affairs cover issues of both national and international importance. They are compiled after referring to multiple sources such as The Hindu, The Indian Express, Press Information Bureau, etc. Along with the daily sources, we also provide a Monthly compilation of PIB, Sansad TV Debates(The Big Picture), and Government magazines like Yojana and Kurukshetra.

An overall approach to current affairs will ensure that a candidate is well prepared to answer the mains questions and guarantee his/her selection for the interview round.

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