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Prelims Current Affairs

Union Public Service Examination (UPSC) conducts Civil Services Examination every year in three stages. It is one of the toughest and most coveted examinations in the country. The first stage is the Preliminary Examination. It serves as the elimination stage. Only those candidates that qualify prelims examination are allowed to sit for the CSE mains examination. CSE Prelims comprises two papers. Paper-I consists of the general studies section and paper-II is qualifying in nature. Both papers have negative markings. One must be very attentive while marking the MCQ. This skill can be developed with lots of practice and mock tests. 

CSE Prelims is becoming more dynamic in nature and it's essential to align the static portion with the daily current affairs. Recent trends have shown us that a conceptual understanding of the topic is necessary. This process becomes easier when the student aligns the UPSC prelims preparation with UPSC Syllabus.

We at GS Score understand the demand for the UPSC Prelims Question paper and are here to help you. The GS Score current Affairs series are designed keeping in mind the changing pattern of the exam. The news is uploaded subject wise making it easier for the students to navigate.

The current affairs are summarised after referring to various resources such as daily newspapers, PIB compilations, RSTV debates, and government magazines like Yojana and Kurukshetra. A weekly current affairs quiz is uploaded for students to track their progress along with a weekly current affairs magazine. Students are provided with All India Ranking and supplementary materials for prelims.

Regular reading and revision of current affairs can boost one's performance by a huge margin. With Prelims 2024 just around the corner, it is advised that students go by the previous years' current affairs and revise them, properly.  They can make quick UPSC notes for revision. This should be supplemented with previous years questions.

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22nd Mar, 2025

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