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We all know that reading the daily newspaper is not enough to crack UPSC Civil Services Examination. The role of current affairs is very important during the preparation for UPSC Civil Services Examination. The aspirants need to supplement their current affairs preparation with weekly or monthly current affairs compilations such as GS Analyst Monthly Magazines. The design of these Current Affairs tests of 2+ years is such that it comprehensively covers the current affairs or current events related to GS Paper 1, 2, 3, 4, and Essay. All the current affairs-related mains articles are supplemented with questions for answer writing practice. These questions will help you interlink current affairs with static topics and enhance your answer-writing skill.

In order to enable students to get a comprehensive analysis of their writing quality, GS SCORE has initiated the "Current Affairs Community", where students can upload their written answers and get a peer-to-peer review. It is meant to serve as a platform to simplify your Current affairs preparation for UPSC. The peer-to-peer review of answers will give you different perspectives and dimensions related to different topics.

So, to strengthen your game, join the community.

Monthly Current Affairs Compilation

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