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Current Affairs constitute an important part of UPSC preparation. Often some topics require special attention because of their complexity. These topics need specialized linkages of both static portion and contemporary topics.

GS Score is here with Topic Wise Analysis of important issues. We cover distinctive topics that are important in UPSC preparation. Each topic is comprehensively described and covered from the UPSC Prelims Exam as well as from the UPSC Mains Examinations point of view. These topics are also helpful in preparing for the Essay paper. And they also aid while preparing for the interview. These topics are picked from daily current affairs and act as value-added material in your IAS preparation.

Topical Analysis: New Education Policy 2020

04 August, 2022

Quality education is a comprehensive term that includes learners, teachers, learning environment, appropriate curriculum, engaging pedagogy, learning outcomes, continuous formative assessment, and adequate student support.

Attempt to improve quality of education will succeed only if it goes hand in hand with steps to promote equity and inclusion. This requires schools to be sufficiently equipped and prepared to address the diverse learning needs of all children with special focus on children belonging to SC, ST and Minorities, CwSN (Child with Special Needs), as well as the girl children.

As Education is in the concurrent list of the Constitution, the Government of India through the erstwhile Centrally Sponsored Schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Teacher Education (TE) has been aiming to– enhance access, promote equity through the inclusion of disadvantaged groups and weaker sections, and improve the quality of education for all. With the persistent efforts of the Central and State Governments, these schemes have significantly addressed major gaps in access to schooling and have contributed towards laying a foundation for an equitable quality school education system in the country.

However, India has faced unprecedented challenges in providing quality education to children and the youth. Lack of resources and capacity, dozens of mother tongues, a link language that despite being the global language of choice is alien to most, and a persistent mismatch between the knowledge and skills imparted and the jobs available have been some of the challenges that have bedeviled our efforts since Independence. The 2020 policy attempts to break free from the shackles of the past.

Topical Analysis: Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules, 2020

22 July, 2022

The journey of transgender rights in India finds its origin in the landmark judgement of National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India. Whilst recognizing transgender persons’ right to self-perceived gender identity, the Supreme Court held that the right to self-identification forms an integral part of the right to live with dignity under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and a fundamental right of self-expression under Article 19(1)(a). Thereby, the court directed central and state governments to provide legal recognition to the same and proactively address the issue of discrimination faced by the community. In pursuance of the same, new rules have been enacted.

Hereby discussing the definition of transgender, issues faced by them and critical analysis of the new Rules.

Topical Analysis: POLICE REFORMS

09 July, 2022

Significance of the Topic:

The Standing Committee on Home Affairs (Chair: Mr. Anand Sharma) presented its report on ‘Police - Training, Modernisation and Reforms’ on February 10, 2022.  In the past four decades, several commissions have been set up to examine police reforms.   These include the National Police Commission (1977, Chair: Mr. Dharma Vira), the Committee on Reforms of Criminal Justice System (2003, Chair: Dr. V.S Malimath), and the Committee on Restructuring of Police (2000, Chair: Mr. K. Padmanabhaiah).  In addition, the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) has also made several recommendations in the past to improve the policing system. 

Hereby discussing the lacunas in the police system and recommendations by different committees.

Public order implies the absence of disturbance, riot, revolt, unruliness and lawlessness. Irrespective of the nature of a polity – democratic or autocratic, federal or unitary – maintenance of public order is universally recognised as the prime function of the State.

State agencies such as the administration, police and the criminal justice system have the direct responsibility and the commensurate authority to maintain public order but non-State players – political parties, media and citizens’ groups - also have a vital bearing on public order.

Topical Analysis: Linkage between COVID 19 and Child labour

23 June, 2022

The COVID-19 health pandemic and the resulting economic and labour market shock are having a huge impact on people’s lives and livelihoods.

Unfortunately, children are often the first to suffer.

The crisis can push millions of vulnerable children into child labour. Child labour robs children of their childhood, potential and dignity. As many as 152 million (1 in 10) children work as labourers across the world, according to the International Labour Organization.

Among these, 64 million are girls. Almost half of the 72 million children are engaged in hazardous work; 6.3 million are pushed into forced work and human slavery. 

These children are now at even greater risk of facing circumstances that are even more difficult and working longer hours.

Topical Analysis: Dam Safety Act

10 June, 2022

Significance of the Topic:

Dams have become an integral part of basic infrastructure by offering indispensable benefits like irrigation, hydropower, domestic and industrial water supply, flood control, drought mitigation, navigation, fish farming, and recreation.

India has invested substantially in dams and related infrastructures, and ranks third after USA and China in the number of large dams. 5254 large dams are in operation in the country currently and another 447 are under construction. In addition to this, there are thousands of medium and small dams. Still, as the population is growing at a steady pace, water security of the country is becoming an issue of concern for all. It has been noted over a period of time that water is in the center stage of disputes between various State Governments. Besides playing a major role in the development of the country especially in providing food and energy security, concerns have been raised about the safety of these wheels of the development.

Hence government has passed Dam Safety Act. Hereby analyzing the significance of dams, their advantages and disadvantages, need for dam safety and critical analysis of the Dam Safety Act.

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