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Polity GS Paper II by R.P.Singh

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Category: GS -II,

Test Date: 09 Aug 2022 07:00 AM

Evaluated: Yes

Polity GS Paper II by R.P.Singh


  • Attempt One question out of the given two.
  • The test carries 15 marks.
  • Write Your answer in 150 words.
  • Any page left blank in the answer-book must be crossed out clearly.
  • Evaluated Copy will be re-uploaded on the same thread after 2 days of uploading the copy.
  • Discussion of the question and one to one answer improvement session of evaluated copies will be conducted through Google Meet with concerned faculty. You will be informed via mail or SMS for the discussion.

    Question #1. Article 21, although couched in a restricted manner, has been interpreted by the Supreme court in the widest possible terms. Comment

    Question #2. The independence of the election commission is essential to maintain people’s faith in electoral democracy. In this context discuss the recently emerged issues regarding autonomy of the election commission. Also, suggest measures to strengthen the independence of the election commission. 
    (Examiner will pay special attention to the candidate's grasp of his/her material, its relevance to the subject chosen, and to his/ her ability to think constructively and to present his/her ideas concisely, logically and effectively).

    STEPS & INSTRUCTIONS for uploading the answers

    Step 1 - The Question for the day is provided below these instructions. It will be available at 7:00 AM.

    Step 2 - Uploading of Answers : Write the answer in A4 Sheet leaving proper margins for comments and feedback and upload the PDF in MY ACCOUNT section. Click on the option of SUBMIT COPY to upload the PDF.

    Step 3 - Deadline for Uploading Answers: The students shall upload their answers by 7:00 PM in the evening same day. The first 50 copies will be evaluated.

    Step 4 - Feedback : Mentors will give their feedback for the answers uploaded. For more personalised feedback, join our telegram channel by clicking on the link https://t.me/mains_answer_writing_cse . A one-to-one session will be conducted with the faculty after copy evaluation in 72 Hrs.

    Model Answer

    Question #1. Article 21, although couched in a restricted manner, has been interpreted by the Supreme court in the widest possible terms. Comment


    •   Introduce briefly Article 21 along with its provisions and applications. (words - 30)
    •   Analyse the scope of Article 21 in safeguarding life and liberty of individuals. (words - 50)
    •   Elaborate various judgements of the Supreme Court related to the Article 21 of the constitution of India. (words - 40)
    •   Give a balanced conclusion (words - 30)


    Article 21 provisions about Protection of life and personal liberty, it says that "No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law, nor shall any person be denied equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India".  Article 21 secures two rights, Right to life, and Right to personal liberty. Article 21 (and its many interpretations) is the perfect example of the transformative character of the Constitution of India. The Indian judiciary has attributed wider connotation and meaning to Article 21, extending beyond the Constitution makers’ imagination. These meanings derived from the ‘right to life’ present unique complexities.

    Scope of Article 21:

    •   It prohibits the deprivation of the above rights except according to a procedure established by law.
    •   It is fundamental to democracy as it extends to natural persons and not just citizens.
    •   The right is available to every person, citizen or alien. Thus, even a foreigner can claim this right.

    Meaning, Concept and Interpretation of ‘Right To Life’ Under Article 21

    •   The right to life is the most fundamental of all rights.
    •   ‘Life’ in Article 21 of the Constitution is not merely the physical act of breathing.
    •   It has a much wider scope, including the right to live with human dignity, Right to livelihood, Right to health, Right to pollution-free air, etc.
    •   It is very fundamental to our existence, without which we cannot live as human beings and includes all those aspects of life, which make our life meaningful, complete, and worth living.
    •   All other rights add quality to the life and depend on the pre-existence of life itself for their operation.
    •   As human rights can only attach to living beings, hence it is considered as primary since none of the other rights would have any value or utility without it.
    •   In Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, the Supreme Court gave a new dimension to Art. 21. The Court held that the right to live is not merely a physical right but includes within its ambit the right to live with human dignity.
    •   In Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, the Supreme Court Characterised Article 21 as the heart of fundamental rights.
    •   In Peoples Union for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, SC held that non-payment of minimum wages to the workers is a denial to them of their right to live with basic human dignity and violative of Article 21 of the Constitution.
    •   In Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, the Supreme Court declared sexual harassment at the workplace to violate the right to equality, life and liberty. Therefore, a violation of Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution.
    •   In Smt. Kiran Bedi v. Committee of Inquiry, the SC held that Right to Reputation is falls within the category of Article 21.
    •   In many judgements SC recognized that ‘the right to life’ guaranteed by Article 21 includes ‘the right to livelihood’.

    Meaning and Interpretation of Personal Liberty:

    • The meaning of the term’ personal liberty’ was considered by the Supreme Court in Kharak Singh’s case, which arose out of the challenge to Constitutional validity of the U. P. Police Regulations that provided for surveillance by way of domiciliary visits secret picketing.
    • The Court observed that the right to personal liberty in the Indian Constitution is the right of an individual to be free from restrictions or encroachments on his person, whether they are directly imposed or indirectly brought about by calculated measures.
    • The Supreme Court has held that even lawful imprisonment does not spell farewell to all fundamental rights. A prisoner retains all the rights enjoyed by a free citizen except only those ‘necessarily’ lost as an incident of imprisonment.

    Right to Privacy:

    • The term is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, the right to privacy was considered a ‘penumbral right’ under the Constitution.
    • It is a right declared by the Supreme Court as integral to the fundamental right to life and liberty.
    • After the KS Puttuswamy judgment, the right to privacy has been read and understood by the Court in various landmark judgments.


    Article 21 is at the heart of the Constitution. It is the most organic and progressive provision in our living Constitution. Article 21 can only be claimed when a person is deprived of his ‘life or ‘personal liberty’ by the ‘State’ as defined in Article 12. Thus, violation of the right by private individuals is not within the preview of Article 21. Article 21 is the only Article in the Constitution that has received the broadest possible interpretation. Also, it is well established that to deprive a person of his life and personal liberty must be done under a ‘procedure, established by law’. Such an exception must be made in a just, fair and reasonable manner and must not be arbitrary, fanciful or oppressive. Therefore, for the procedure to be valid, it must comply with the principles of natural justice.

    Question #2. The independence of the election commission is essential to maintain people’s faith in electoral democracy. In this context discuss the recently emerged issues regarding autonomy of the election commission. Also, suggest measures to strengthen the independence of the election commission. 


    • In the introduction write a few lines about the Election Commission of India, Article number. 
    • Write examples about recent developments that have casted doubts on the independence of the Election Commission of India (ECI). 
    • Write briefly about why the doubts over independence of ECI have gained credibility. 
    • What are the measures to be undertaken to ensure Independence of the ECI 
    • In conclusion, write about the positive impact ECI had over the Indian political scenario.?


    Article 324 provides for an Election Commission (EC) of India to ensure conduct of fair and impartial conduct of election. Citizens’ trust in fairness of the election process forms the bedrock of a functional democracy. Independence of the EC which can ensure this has recently come under scrutiny because of some of the recent developments. 

    Examples of some of the recent developments that have casted doubts on the independence of the Election Commission of India (ECI): 

    • A report by a citizens’ group chaired by retired Supreme Court judge Justice Madan B. Lokur cited lack of autonomy of ECI as one of the reasons for lack of proactiveness on their part to ensure inclusion of migrants and other vulnerable sections on electoral roll. 
    • The “directive” from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to Election Commissioners to be present in a meeting. This made it appear like ECI is subordinate to the Government and is expected to act in its direction. 
    • Allegations of lack of strict and consistent action taken by ECI in enforcing the Model Code of Conduct during elections. 

    Doubt casted on independence of ECI gains credibility because: 

    • ECs [Election Commissioners] are the appointees of the Government of the day and not through an independent process of collegium. 
    • The expenditure incurred by the Election Commission of India is not charged on the consolidated fund of India but rather than voted in Parliament. 
    • Election Commissioners are not barred from joining public employment after retirement. 
    • While Chief Election Commissioners can be removed only after a resolution passed by both the houses of parliament with a two-thirds majority in both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, no such safeguard is available to other ECs. 

    Measures to be undertaken to ensure Independence of the ECI: 

    • Implement a multi-party system for appointments of Election Commissioners: They should be appointed through a multi party system including the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Deputy Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha and the Chief Justice. 
    • Protection to Election Commissioners: The same constitutional protection to all Election Commissioners as is available to the Chief Election Commissioner.
    • Independent secretariat: Functions concerning the Secretariat of the Election Commission, consisting of officers and staff at various levels, such as their appointments, promotions, etc., are exclusively vested in the Election Commission.
    • Financial Independence: Its budget be treated as “Charged” on the Consolidated Fund of India.
    • Prohibition on post-retirement public employment: The Election Commissioners should not be eligible for any office after retirement for a period of at least 5 years.


    People’s trust in the Election Commission has increased multifold because of some fiercely independent Chief Election Commissioners like T.N.Seshan and judicial pronouncements which enabled EC to take steps like issuing photo ID cards to all voters. Government must ensure that this image of the EC is protected and further enhanced to ensure a thriving democracy. 

    To participate in answer writing program, Register yourself for the test. Copies will be evaluated only for the registered students. Registration will be closed after the scheduled date.

    48 Hrs. Answer Writing, Copy Evaluation and Marks Improvement Cycle

    • Step 1 (Answer Writing): Questions will be uploaded on the portal on the scheduled date at 7:00 AM.  You have to write your answers on an A4 size sheet leaving margins on both sides based on the UPSC pattern. Mention your name on the 1st page and page number on each page. After writing the answer, Click pictures of each page of your answer sheet, merge them all in a single PDF and upload in the comment section of the same question. Answers should be uploaded before 7:00 PM on the same day.
    • Step 2 In Next 48 Hrs (Copy Evaluation & Discussion): After evaluation, the first 50 copies will be uploaded on the same comment box and will be sent to you. In the evening 8:00 PM marks improvement sessions for the test with respective faculty in a group will be conducted online. So that students can get a wider perspective of the topics. Here you can discuss your evaluated copies also with the faculty.

    Copy submission is closed now for this test.


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