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Indian Economy (Globalization) by Gaurav Bansal

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Category: GS -III,

Test Date: 12 Feb 2024 07:00 AM

Evaluated: Yes

Indian Economy (Globalization) by Gaurav Bansal


  • There will be 2 questions carrying the First Question is-10 marks Write your answers in 150 words and the Second Question is-15 marks Write your answers in 250 words.
  • Any page left blank in the answer-book must be crossed out clearly.
  • Evaluated Copy will be re-uploaded on the same thread after 2 days of uploading the copy.
  • Discussion of the question and one to one answer improvement session of evaluated copies will be conducted through Google Meet with concerned faculty. You will be informed via mail or SMS for the discussion.

Question #1. Examine the negative impact of globalization in the context of covid crisis and global supply chain issues since then? 10 marks (150 words)

Question #2. Analyze the impact of globalization on india? Have India and china benefitted more than other countries? 15 marks (250 words)


(Examiner will pay special attention to the candidate's grasp of his/her material, its relevance to the subject chosen, and to his/ her ability to think constructively and to present his/her ideas concisely, logically and effectively).

STEPS & INSTRUCTIONS for uploading the answers

Step 1 - The Question for the day is provided below these instructions. It will be available at 7:00 AM.

Step 2 - Uploading of Answers : Write the answer in A4 Sheet leaving proper margins for comments and feedback and upload the PDF in MY ACCOUNT section. Click on the option of SUBMIT COPY to upload the PDF.

Step 3 - Deadline for Uploading Answers: The students shall upload their answers by 7:00 PM in the evening same day. The first 50 copies will be evaluated.

Step 4 - Feedback : Mentors will give their feedback for the answers uploaded. For more personalised feedback, join our telegram channel by clicking on the link https://t.me/mains_answer_writing_cse . A one-to-one session will be conducted with the faculty after copy evaluation in 72 Hrs.

Model Answer

Question #1. Examine the negative impact of globalization in context of covid crisis and global supply chain issues since then? 10 marks (150 words)


  1. Introduction: Briefly introduce globalization and its significance in connecting economies worldwide.
  2. Negative Impact of Globalization during COVID-19: Discuss how the pandemic disrupted global supply chains, leading to shortages, economic downturns, and heightened inequalities.
  3. Challenges Faced: Highlight the challenges faced by developing countries, the rise of nationalism and protectionism, and the strain on international cooperation.
  4. Conclusion or Way Forward: Summarize the key points and suggest measures for building resilience in global systems and fostering inclusive development.

Introduction: Globalization, characterized by interconnectedness and interdependence among economies, faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The disruption of global supply chains, travel restrictions, and economic downturns highlighted the vulnerabilities of globalization, exacerbating inequalities and amplifying negative consequences.

  1. Disrupted Supply Chains: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global supply chains due to factory closures, transportation restrictions, and logistical challenges, leading to shortages of essential goods and components.
  2. Economic Downturn: Globalization contributed to the rapid transmission of economic shocks, resulting in widespread job losses, income inequality, and economic instability.
  3. Vulnerability of Developing Countries: Developing countries, reliant on global markets for trade and investment, were disproportionately affected by the pandemic, facing challenges in accessing essential resources and healthcare.
  4. Nationalism and Protectionism: The crisis spurred nationalist sentiments and protectionist policies, with countries prioritizing domestic interests over global cooperation, leading to trade tensions and barriers to international collaboration.

Conclusion: The COVID-19 crisis exposed the vulnerabilities of globalization, highlighting the need for greater resilience and inclusivity in global economic systems. Addressing the negative impacts requires enhanced international cooperation, investment in healthcare and social safety nets, and efforts to build more resilient and sustainable supply chains. Moving forward, policymakers must strike a balance between globalization and national interests, ensuring that global integration benefits all stakeholders and fosters inclusive and sustainable development.


Question #2. Analyse the impact of globalization on India? Has India China benefitted more than other countries? 15 marks (250 words)


  1. Introduction: Define globalization and its impact on India's economy, society, and culture.
  2. Positive Impact: Discuss how globalization has contributed to India's economic growth, technological advancement, and cultural exchange.
  3. Challenges Faced: Address the challenges of income inequality, environmental degradation, and social tensions resulting from globalization.
  4. India-China Dynamics:Analyze the relationship between India and China within the context of globalization, considering trade cooperation, competition, and geopolitical tensions.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize the discussion and provide insights into how India can maximize the benefits of globalization while addressing its challenges and fostering inclusive development. 

Introduction: Globalization has significantly impacted India's economy, society, and culture, presenting both opportunities and challenges. The country has experienced economic growth, technological advancement, and cultural exchange as a result of globalization, but disparities and vulnerabilities persist.

  1. Economic Growth: India has benefited from globalization through increased trade, foreign investment, and access to global markets, contributing to economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction.
  2. Technological Advancement: Globalization facilitated the transfer of technology and knowledge, driving innovation and entrepreneurship in India's IT, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing sectors.
  3. Social and Cultural Exchange: Globalization has led to cultural exchange, diversity, and the spread of ideas, influencing Indian society, lifestyle, and values.
  4. Challenges and Disparities: Despite the benefits, globalization has exacerbated income inequality, environmental degradation, and social tensions, widening the gap between the rich and poor and marginalizing vulnerable communities.
  5. India-China Dynamics: India's relationship with China within the context of globalization has been complex, characterized by trade cooperation, competition, and geopolitical tensions. While both countries have benefited from globalization, trade imbalances and territorial disputes have strained relations.

Conclusion: India has experienced significant transformations as a result of globalization, with both positive and negative consequences. While globalization has contributed to economic growth and technological advancement, addressing disparities, environmental concerns, and social challenges remains imperative. Moving forward, India must harness the benefits of globalization while addressing its limitations, promoting inclusive and sustainable development for all segments of society.

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