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Ethics (Value Crisis) by Manoj K. Jha

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Category: GS -IV,

Test Date: 03 Apr 2023 07:00 AM

Evaluated: Yes

Ethics (Value Crisis) by Manoj K. Jha


  • There will be 2 questions carrying 10 marks each. Write your answers in 150 words
  • Any page left blank in the answer-book must be crossed out clearly.
  • Evaluated Copy will be re-uploaded on the same thread after 2 days of uploading the copy.
  • Discussion of the question and one to one answer improvement session of evaluated copies will be conducted through Google Meet with concerned faculty. You will be informed via mail or SMS for the discussion.

Question #1. Weak value system in families eventually transcend to weak social, political and administrative systems, leading in turn to degeneration of the whole nation’. Comment. 

Question #2. ‘Problem-preventing values’ have more importance than ‘Problem solving skills.’ Do you agree? Substantiate your opinion with suitable illustration. 

(Examiner will pay special attention to the candidate's grasp of his/her material, its relevance to the subject chosen, and to his/ her ability to think constructively and to present his/her ideas concisely, logically and effectively).

STEPS & INSTRUCTIONS for uploading the answers

Step 1 - The Question for the day is provided below these instructions. It will be available at 7:00 AM.

Step 2 - Uploading of Answers : Write the answer in A4 Sheet leaving proper margins for comments and feedback and upload the PDF in MY ACCOUNT section. Click on the option of SUBMIT COPY to upload the PDF.

Step 3 - Deadline for Uploading Answers: The students shall upload their answers by 7:00 PM in the evening same day. The first 50 copies will be evaluated.

Step 4 - Feedback : Mentors will give their feedback for the answers uploaded. For more personalised feedback, join our telegram channel by clicking on the link https://t.me/mains_answer_writing_cse . A one-to-one session will be conducted with the faculty after copy evaluation in 72 Hrs.

Model Answer

Question #1. Weak value system in families eventually transcend to weak social, political and administrative systems, leading in turn to degeneration of the whole nation’. Comment. 


  • The individual is the first building block of the value architecture. The values that a person holds have been derived from family, friends, neighbours, teachers, mass media and so on.
  • The family value system inculcates the moral values of tolerance, non-violence, sympathy, compassion, harmony, etc.
  • But the development of values and the sense of one's duty towards the nation, community and one's self, and thinking skills do not find any place in the curriculum at any stage of child's development. As a consequence, there are explicit signs of erosion of values in practically every sphere of our life.
  • There is a circular relationship between individual and society in these respects in so far as individual behaviour determines the way society moves and social values drive men the way they behave, each reinforcing the other.
  • Hence the erosion of values at individual level creates a vicious cycle of erosion of values in all sphere which ultimately destroys the whole nation.

Question #2. ‘Problem-preventing values’ have more importance than ‘Problem solving skills.’ Do you agree? Substantiate your opinion with suitable illustration.


  • Skill depicts the professional competence of the human being, his expertise in handling a situation. But problem preventing values receive much more importance as compared to solving skills these days.
  • However, anticipating a problem in advance helps in facing it with strong determination and strength. This saves time and resources both, and creates a responsible society.
  • Thus priority should be given to pure emotions, a feeling mind that catches the problems beforehand and helps in solving it rationally.
  • This can be understood by the following example - the concept of sustainable development is based on this thought only. It states that by conservation of natural resources in advance we can save a better future for near generations. It emphasis or problem preventing values by - conserving water, air biodiversity, forest rather than solving the issue using skill once the damage has been done . The GHGs during industrial revolution are leading to climate change and global warming in this millennium.
  • This shows that prevention is better than cure and this requires creativity & innovation.
  •  Thus, Holistic Excellence lies in = 'Efficiency + Ethicality = skills human + values.

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