Question #1. Discuss various anthropological approaches to the study of personality and culture.
Question #2. Write short note on Thick description of Clifford Geertz
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Question #1. Discuss various anthropological approaches to the study of personality and culture.
Culture according to this school of thought is acquired, imitated, and learned. It gives rise to character formation or development of personality traits before the period of adolescence.
Personality refers to the integrated and dynamic organisation of physical, mental, and social qualities of an individual as that manifests itself to the other people in the give and take of social life. It is a more or less consistent behaviour pattern of an individual.
The emergence of the Concept:
The Culture and Personality movement was at the core of anthropology in the first half of the 20th century. It examined the interaction between psychological and cultural forces at work on the human experience.
Culture and Personality were too divided to really be considered a school of thought. It had no orthodox viewpoint, centralized leadership, or coherent training program (LeVine 2001).
However, there were also some basic ideas with which most practitioners would agree. At a minimum, these would include:
Characteristics of the Personality:
While we talk about personality, we have certain notions that it is related to the outward appearance and performance of an individual. But personality has certain other characteristics:
Culture and Personality School of thought:
Personality Builds Culture- Ruth Benedict:
Apollonian: The word apollonian is from the Greek god Apollo, the peaceful sun deity. Apollo is regarded as the god of peace, discipline, kindness, and humanity by the Greek people. Thus, in the apollonian pattern of culture, one finds the existence of peace, kindness, and discipline. Benedict cites the example of the Pueblo of New Mexico as the representative of Apollonian culture.
Dionysian: The word Dionysian is derived from the name of the Greek god Dionysius. Dionysius is the symbol of luxurious life and drinking. In the Dionysian culture, a lot of storms and changes are experienced. Benedict cites the example of Dobu and Kwakiutl cultures of the North West coast of America as the representatives of Dionysian genius.
Dobu of Melanesia is exactly in contrast with the Pueblo in character and temperament. Among them occurred frequently conflict, competition, and violence. They usually used magic to harm others. People of Kwakiutl do not believe in religious practices.
In their culture, wealth determines status and prestige. Everyone becomes busy earning money in one way or another. Those with less money feel ashamed on account of it. Benedict’s study clearly reveals the influence of personality on culture. The cultures of these groups differ because their members have different characters and personalities. Accordingly, they behave in cultural groups.
Question #2. Write short note on Thick description of Clifford Geertz
Geertz described the practice of thick description as a way of providing cultural context and meaning that people place on actions, words, things, etc. Thick descriptions provide enough context so that a person outside the culture can make meaning of the behaviour.
Theory of Clifford Geertz in the context of Culture:
Clifford Geertz’s definition of religion:
Geertz’s interpretive approach:
One of the central points in Geertz’s thesis is that religious beliefs do not merely interpret social and psychological processes in cosmic terms, they also shape them. Religions differ in terms of the complexity with which they do it. The complexity of religion is not dependent upon the scale of evolution of society.
Theories form the base for any subject. The more clarity one has in theories, the more aptly one can understand other parts of the syllabus.
Theories form the crux of Anthropology, furthermore, they have significant relevance in other complementing areas.
Through this thematic discussion, we will map out the interlinkage of different parts of the syllabus.
Topics to be read:
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