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Anthropology Optional (Caste System as Social Stratification) by Sourabh Mishra

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Category: Optional,

Test Date: 25 May 2023 07:00 AM

Anthropology Optional (Caste System as Social Stratification) by Sourabh Mishra

In understanding any society for its complexity, having an understanding of social stratification is very crucial.

Social inequality forms the basis for hierarchy and stratification in any society. Though there are various forms of stratification around the world, it gets realised in the form of the caste system in India.

The caste system and its relevance in the Indian context form a major part of Anthropology paper 2. Every year we get questions from this section making it a low-hanging fruit for our preparation.


1. Understand the basics of social stratification
2. Understand the origin of the caste system
3. Consider the views of various thinkers in understanding its characteristics
4. Have examples from contemporary times
5. Understand the changing nature of caste due to modernization and globalisation
6. Place the caste system as a major component of the traditional Indian social system


1. Structure and characteristics of the caste system
2. Concept of Varna and jaati
3. Origin of the caste system
4. Dominant caste
5. Caste mobility
6. Jajmani system
7. Tribe Caste continuum

1. Structure and characteristics of the caste system 2. Concept of Varna and jaati
3. Origin of the caste system 4. Dominant caste
5. Caste mobility 6. Jajmani system
7. Tribe Caste continuum

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