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Strategy for UPSC interview

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Categories: Interview, Published: 23rd Mar, 2021

The personality test or interview is considered as the most important and crucial stage in civil services exam. It is the personality test where the candidate is assessed for the most prestigious career in India. The aim of personality test is to assess certain traits and qualities of future bureaucrat. It is preconceived notion that interview is targeted to check the knowledge level of a particular candidate. But this is not true completely. Being the last round this is the most crucial phase that gives an unassailable lead in India’s toughest competition. Although the final rank is determined on the basis of final marks obtained in the UPSC Mains Exam and interview score of an individual the highest marks fetched in interview helps to one to top the final list also.

Most of the candidates are often confused regarding the UPSC Interview strategy and plan of action. We are here suggesting some golden tips to be followed to secure good marks in personality test.

The first and foremost is to start preparing for an interview early. As most of the aspirants wait for the mains result, our advice is that one should start as soon as mains exam is over. The approach and strategy should be in integrated manner for interview preparation i.e. preparing for UPSC Prelims, mains and interview simultaneously.

The second most important is to analyze Detailed Application Form or DAF and prepare all possible questions based on DAF. The candidates encounter maximum number of questions from DAF itself. These questions may be from the educational and family background of candidate or about the job and positions he had held previously. The candidates often fumble over the personal questions, it is extremely important that a candidate should go through all the possible questions about their personality and background. It is advisable to revise the DAF multiple times so that possibility to commit mistakes over these sections remains minimal. The most genuine and original answers should be given by the candidates and one should not concoct answers based on lies and stories. It is advised not to undermine the abilities of panel as they are the most experienced and highly educated persons having vast experience in the field of public affairs. Most of the time it is seen that the interview revolves around the questions based on DAF only.

The most preferred question during the personality test is about the positive and negative facets of personality. The students are often get uncomfortable and jittery while being asked about their positive and negative points. The candidates are often seen preparing on these set of questions. One should not indulge in such kind of habits. One should remain confident and true while answering these questions. One should never fake his answer. The most original and genuine answer will help you to fetch more marks in interview. The negative points should be presented in such a way that they should have a scope of improvement in future. It is also advisable not to make stories or blabber before the panelists. The candidates should get straight to the point. While you are being asked the questions never get impatient to answer the question as it shows lack of seriousness and maturity. Master the art to give to the point answers. Stop making stories if you don’t know the answer. Saying sorry or I don’t know will not make you less knowledgeable person.

Communication skill also plays an important role during interview. Language of communication doesn’t matter be it English or any other language. The command over language is very important as it gives confidence. Whatever language one is preferring to answer should be structured and to the point. Some aspirant often have preconceived notion that answering in English language could fetch more marks. These are just myths having no solid ground. One should go through the interview transcripts and videos of previous year toppers. Listening to the debates and news on television channels is one practical way to improve communication skills. Having conversation with friends is also very good way to improve communication skills.

The questions may arise from a wide area of topics or subject. The possibility of not knowing all answers may not be ignored. In the case of unawareness about a topic you are asked, it is advised to say that I don’t know or I don’t have any idea. During an interview keeping a calm and cool posture is very important.  The most important aspect of an individual is emotional intelligence. Nobody knows about everything under the Sun. UPSC board obviously knows that.

UPSC not only measures one’s intellectual qualities but also social traits. Ensure that your moral integrity is not compromised. Maintaining a positive body language is also a key requirement. Avoid a gesture that is not suited before the interviewers. The words that are spoken should be reinforced by your body language.

There are certain rumors that often mongers regarding the board for example which one is good and which one is bad. Do not get swayed by these rumors as this will also create a sense of insecurity and negativity. The candidate should always be himself and should never try to be what he is not.

The last few things that are not so much significant but have more value like neat and clean dress, well oiled and combed hair, polished shoes and calm and composed posture. As repeatedly asserted by toppers, UPSC interview in most cases is a friendly exercise. There is not much to fear about, except that your chances of selection depend on it. Be truthful to yourself and answer confidently.

Verifying, please be patient.

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