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Explore The Ultimate Guide to GS Paper-2 Preparation

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Categories: Mains, Published: 27th Jan, 2023

General Studies Paper 2 broadly consists of 3 subjects which are Indian Polity, Governance and Social Justice, and International Relations. The paper, therefore, is quite diverse in itself. 

Paper 2 of General Studies requires a good theoretical hold of the topics with the nick of interlinking them to the happenings of current events.

As we can see from the Question Paper of Mains'22 for GS Paper 2, General Studies II does not have a lot of direct questions that relate to one topic. Critical thinking is required when answering this paper's questions as there will be many interrelated topics. 

The following table gives the total questions asked in each broad category in GS 2 in 2018-2022.













Governance & Social Justice






International Relations






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Focus Areas in GS 2 Paper:

Indian Polity:

If we focus on the subject of Indian Polity, it strictly means looking into the structure, organization and function of the Indian Government at every level with the centrality to Indian Constitution. 

  • We, therefore, have to look into the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government at both the Central and State levels along with with an understanding of Panchayati Raj Institutions. Knowing about the rights, and duties of citizens according to the Constitution becomes important for the subject.
  • For Indian Polity, from the point of view of GS Paper 2, it is necessary to have hung over the provisions of the Constitution that are in news, e.g. Citizenship Amendment Act from the point of view of Constitutional provisions related to Citizenship, or Constitutional/governmental functionaries that are important taking into consideration current affairs. This part i.e. Indian Polity comprises 100-120 marks of GS Paper-2.
  • It is important for aspirants to go through M. Laxmikant and selected chapters of D.D. Basu. However, the notes of GS SCORE for Polity and Governance are comprehensively prepared to combine multiple resources including these 2 books. Newspaper articles will obviously play a very vital role in the same.

Governance and Social Justice:

The portion of Governance and Social Justice in GS Paper 2 on the other hand is to know how the government works and provides welfare to the people and the overall impact of those welfare measures.

  •  The syllabus of Polity and Governance are interlinked to a large extent. The syllabus of Governance has to be covered mostly current affairs and studying the programmes of government along with the role they play. Reading newspaper articles, Yojana and Kurukshetra are important. 
  • Governance covers around 100-120 marks in GS Paper 2.

International Relations:

The subject of International Relations occupies approximately 50-60 marks in GS Paper 2 and is amongst the easiest to score marks. International Relations questions are totally based on Current Affairs. But having the background of Current Events of IR i.e. history of International Relations with India’s external affairs in centrality is important.

  • For the purpose of understanding the background of IR, it is important to go through V. P. Dutt’s book titled “India’s Foreign Policy’. 
  • Also for the purpose of having a good hand over the topic of Current Affairs in IR, newspaper articles on the subject are essential. 
  • Going through the writings of C. Rajamohan, Praveen Swami and Harsh Pant would be very helpful.

GS Paper 2 is not difficult to understand and easy to reproduce making it important in the preparation of UPSC.

What is required is earnest efforts and navigated guidance as provided by GS SCORE. Our General Studies Paper-2 module offers comprehensive coverage of the subjects enriched with a contemporary outlook to make our student's exams ready through detailed sessions not only covering static and dynamic aspects and also making our students learn the skill of blending the two for maximum performance. 

Visit our GS Paper-2 Course on our website to know more.

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