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All India PT Mock Test 2025 (OMR Based)
All India PT Mock Test 2025

The Criteria to Choose Right Test Series to ace Civil Services Exam

Test series serve as an important self-assessment tool for all who aim at cracking the UPSC Exam successfully and join the Civil Services. Thus, it is only advisable to realize the importance of test series for the UPSC exam in time. The sooner a candidate begins to assess himself by means of the test series for the UPSC exam, the better is the scope for him not only to prepare well for the exam but also to beat the competition when UPSC announces the results. But one question often aspirants stumbles upon that which Test Series should be joined and which test series will help you to fetch maximum marks without compromising your preparation strategy. It is a preconceived  notion among many that test series is merely a platform that helps you to consolidate your learning and assess your performance along with answer writing  skills enhancement with better time management. Most of the test series are targeted upon the checking your knowledge level . Test series often follows strict time schedule and section wise completion of UPSC Syllabus .


After the announcement of postponing of UPSC Prelims Exam it is wide apprehension among aspirants that the five months time should be utilized for both UPSC Mains and prelims exam as one might get lesser time after prelims for mains exam. The mains preparation should be planned in such a way that it provides a coverage to prelims exam to a maximum extent. While test series are considered as a vital organ in preparation of exam choosing a test series also pose various challenges among the aspirants. There is no dearth of test series be it online or offline in today’s era but choosing the right test series in this time could be a daunting task. The criteria to choose a test series should be based on certain things such as how the test series will help you to score 1200+ marks in mains exam or how this test series will help you to sail through the prelims exam as well. The suitability of any test series is dependent upon the facts such as how the test series utilize your maximum potential and give you an edge to score more marks in the exam rather than following rudimentary approach of revising syllabus in entirety. The test series should not only serve the purpose of revision only but it should aim towards translating your efforts and studies to marks. It should provide an avenue of integrated preparation that will aim towards preparing you for mains along with prelims exam.


While most of the mains test series are oriented to completion of syllabus, consolidation of your preparation and revision very few of them are inclined towards maximizing your score in mains exam . The test series should not be solely for the time management ,speed improvement completion of entire syllabus.The test series should be designed in a way so that it can target only those segments that will help you to enhance your overall score in final marksheet . Apart from this it should target certain specific areas to be worked upon that can give you an edge to score more in prelims exam as well. Integrated approach should be the utmost priority of any test series.


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