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Coping with Autism in Post Pandemic World

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Categories: Prelims, Published: 2nd Apr, 2021

It is preconceived notion of many that autistic children are mentally retarded and they should be confined within the four walls. Autism is often regarded as stigma in society and children with autism are discriminated on various grounds in society. However  Autism has nothing to do with mind or psychology rather it  is a neurological condition that persists entire life. Autism is often  manifested during early childhood days. Autism is also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized with problems pertaining to communication and behavior. Autism could be associated with a wide range of symptoms and skills.

To spread awareness about this neurological disorder United Nations celebrates World Autism Awareness Day on 2nd of April every year. The motive behind celebration is to make people aware about those  having condition of autism so that a proper  support and kindness could be spread to help them.

As the entire world is reeling under the pressure of pandemic and lockdown has exacerbated this situation more worse. Post pandemic situation has pushed autistic children into more severe condition. With the closure of facilities and specialty centers during lockdown and after  the children have become more aloof and cut from society. Keeping this in mind United Nations has given a theme for the year 2021 “ Inclusion in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic World  “. The theme clearly describe the situation and prospects of autistic children in post pandemic era.

If we look at the data the number of people who are suffering from autism there are approximately 1-2 people suffering from autism in 1000 persons worldwide. In India 1 person out of 500 people is suffering from autism. Despite this , there is little or no awareness regarding autism among people. The children having condition of autism face discrimination and unequal treatment from society. Apart from this persons suffering from autism are considered as abnormal. The lack of political will has also made the situation worse as there is no clear policy or law that benefits the people suffering from autism. This has further given a room of extortion and unequal behavior to these people in society. Given this there should be some strict rules and regulation that is required to curb atrocities or unequal behavior met to these people.

However Indian government has passed certain legislations and laws to benefit such kind of people. National Trust for Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act 1999 is one such incredible attempt to provide help and support to such people. The other Indian schemes and initiatives that provide benefits to such people are


  • Samarth Scheme.
  • GHARAUNDA (Group Home And Rehabilitation Activities for Disabled Adults)
  • Niramaya (Health Insurance Scheme)
  • VIKAAS Day Care.

Besides this Person with Disabilities act has also many provisions that has been designed keeping autistic people in mind.


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