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How giving Mock test in the UPSC Prelims simulated environment can give you a real picture?

Completing the UPSC CSE syllabus, making notes, and acquiring the knowledge is just one part of the UPSC preparation. The real test comes when one has to use the acquired knowledge gathered from multiple sources during the first and most competitive stage of the UPSC examination process i.e. Prelims.

Prelim has a success rate of about 2-3%. Prelim is not only a test of your depth of knowledge, competence, and accuracy but also your time management and presence of mind. These key skills need to be acquired well before the D-day by practicing mock tests.

Test-based learning approach wherein you solve mock papers helps in gaining valuable insight into the accuracy of your choices and the level of your preparations. It helps you gauge your weak and strong areas.

The utility of mock tests has been vouched by many toppers, especially the ones you take in an exam-like environment. These tests make you familiar with the type of questions asked by UPSC. It helps you learn how to avoid negative marking, how to trust your intuitions and gain confidence before the actual examination.

Why it is crucial to enroll in the All India Mock Test Series?

  • To attempt the exam in a time-bound manner: In such a competitive and important exam many people feel anxious. Due to heightened anxiety, they are not able to manage time effectively. Therefore, mocks are necessary to learn to calm your nerves and think clearly.
  • To not panic in the exam hall: Many students panic instantly when they take one look at the question paper. Despite lots of knowledge and potential, they fail to clear Prelims due to lack of practice. As they say, practice makes a man perfect. Similarly, an aspirant can improve their chances of clearing the exam by practicing and practicing.
  • To be in the safe zone: Many students tend to linger near the cut-off marks. Nothing hurts more than not clearing the exam by mere 1 or 2 marks. In order to secure high marks and be in the safe zone, one must do so by taking model tests based on the UPSC pattern.
  • To assess All India Ranking: You need to do better than your peers to be successful in UPSC. It is in this context, that All India Mock Tests become crucial where you get to know your position in terms of your competition in the manner of All India Ranking. They help in assessing real-time ranking across the country and help in gauging the competition before the exam.

In this context, GS Score’s Open Mock Test (free) series provides you with detailed performance analysis along with your All India Rank which can help you immensely to improve your chances in UPSC Prelims. The 10 tests Open Mock Test Series should be utilised completely for overall completion and performance tracking. The more you attempt the more you improve.

Also, to provide students with a real time experience during the UPSC Prelims exam, GS Score is conducting 3 All India Mock Test in 20 cities across India in test centers at school exactly on the UPSC pattern to give you the exact feel and help you know how you are performing under those conditions. To give those tests, one has to register from GS Score’s website (www.iasscore.in/upsc-prelims-mock-tests). Human mind tend to make silly mistakes under pressure thus, to give tests at test centers is highly important to know how your brain is responding under pressure conditions and how to overcome that pressure. Overcoming these mistakes can make you a UPSC Prelims champion.

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