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Important National and International Reports : Preparation Tips for UPSC Prelims

Since last few year UPSC Prelims Exam has seen a fundamental shift in type of questions asked. Due to this there has been an obvious shift in the strategy and planning of Prelims Exam. The questions based on government reports have been making their presence in prelims exam. Almost 3-4 questions are asked every year from Government and International Reports. These questions often give students Goosebumps if they are going without preparation in the exam. Today’s article will deal with Preparation Strategy and list of resources to be referred for Government Reports.

There are multiple national and  international organizations that release annual, bi-annual or biennial reports related to economy, poverty, ease of doing business, climate etc. These international organizations reports are important for the IAS Prelims Exam. All such Reports prepared are extremely useful from exam point of view . But these reports are quite voluminous and hence reading them with full details will cost your valuable time. Only few sections and segments are having importance for exam. So one need to be careful while reading these reports . It is advisable to go through the summary of recommendations/ Executive summary available for these reports separately.

However some reports should be read with their details. It is very rare that the detailed reports will be asked in prelims exam but reading them in entirety will be beneficial for mains exam. While reading reports in entirety it is advisable to note down important points that may help you while writing answers.


Resources To Be Followed:

The national and International reports are plenty and it is almost impossible to read them. The reason being their sources are too many and their relevancy for the exam is undecided and unpredictable. In the light of this one should follow a very cautious approach while reading these reports. We are discussing here few resources and websites that can be referred while preparing these reports.

  1. ARC Second Report for Ethics
  2. State of Finance read Finance Commission latest Report and latest Economic Survey.
  3. For a balanced view on different law issues see the concerned Report of Law Commission
  4. . For our relations with other Countries , see the concerned section in External Affairs Ministries website
  5. Finance Commission Report (Latest)
  6. Annual reports by central ministries
  7. Niti Aayog Action Agenda

Apart from this you need to have a close vigile on the daily newspaper and some magazines as follows

  1. The Hindu Newspaper
  2. Yojana Magazine
  3. Press Information Bureau Releases

There are various websites of IAS Coachings that too provide the details of such reports. The details consist of those points only that could have some relevancy for Prelims Exam. Among all such websites GS Score is one of the most suited website for studying about such reports.


However above all practice can be reduced to a considerable extent if you refer to Prelims Sampoorna Fact File On Reports (National and International). This fact file has been released by GS Score and has been prepared keeping in mind the UPSC Prelims Exam. This fact file will not only update you with the knowledge of all reports in preparation but will also help you during time of revision. This compilation has been prepared by a team of scholars with huge experience in designing Civil Services Preparation content.


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