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12th July 2023 (7 Topics)

Green washing


The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 that is being deliberated upon by a Joint Committee of Parliament is a contentious piece of legislation that signals the complex challenges involved in balancing industrial development and the conservation of forests.

Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980:

  • Mantelpiece legislation- It has been the mantelpiece legislation that has empowered the state to regulate and impose costs on industrial exploitation.
  • N. Godavarman Thirumalpad case-A landmark Supreme Court judgement, it broadened the scope of this act by extending the protection to even those who were not o?cially clas­si?ed so.
  • Plantation activities- It does not incentivise private agro­forestry and tree plantation activi­ties.

Challenges in Its Application in India:

  • Shortage of manpower- Regulatory agencies is understaffed compared to how quickly industries are growing.
  • Lack of expertise- Lack of the technical expertise needed to enforce the rules.
  • Lack of community participation- Very less participation of the poor community leads to the ineffectiveness of this Act.

Way Ahead:

  • New changes-The new climate realities might necessitate changes to the way conservation laws are made and interpreted
  • Scientific Evidence- Effort should be made to make conservation laws which are backed by rigorous scienti?c evidence.
  • Awareness- Government should spread awareness and make campaigns to involve the local community in the conservation of forests.
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