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9th August 2023 (7 Topics)

International Day of the World's Indigenous People 2023


The International Day of the World's Indigenous People is observed on August 9 every year to raise awareness and protect the rights of the world's indigenous population.


  • 9 August is specifically chosen to mark the first m??ting of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations, which was held in Geneva in 1982.
  • The idea of commemorating a day to honor the indigenous people began with the United Nations.
  • It aimed to protect the rights of the indigenous populations and ensure that their voices were heard on a global platform.
  • The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to observe the International Day of World's Indigenous People in D?c?mb?r 1994.


About the event:

  • The theme for International Day of World’s Indigenous People 2023 is “Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination.”
  • Also known as World Tribal Day, this event also recognizes the achievements and contributionsthat Indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection.
  • Significance:
    • This day serves as a reminder to pr?s?rv? and celebrates the rich cultural heritage, traditions, languages, and wisdom that indigenous people bring to the world.
    • The day is to foster solidarity among indigenous peoples and raise awareness among the broader public.
    • Understanding and appreciation of indigenous cultures promote greater empathy and respect, contributing to a more inclusive and compass.

On 9th August 2018, the first National Report on the State of India’s Tribal People’s Health was submitted to the Government of India by the Expert Committee on Tribal Health.

Tribal Communities in India:

  • Tribal people are concentrated in 809 blocks in India.
  • Such areas are designated as the Scheduled Areas.
  • Around 50% of India’s tribal population (around 5.5 crore) live outside the Scheduled Areas, as a scattered and marginalised minority.

Why Tribes need special recognition?

  • Tribal people heavily depend on government-run public health care institutions, such as primary health centres and hospitals.
  • There is a 27% to 40% deficit in the number of such facilities, and 33% to 84% deficit in medical doctors in tribal areas.
  • Government health care for the tribal people is starved of funds as well as of human resources.

What Steps has the Government of India taken for Tribal Welfare?

  • Anamaya
  • 1000 Springs Initiative
  • Pradhan MantriAdiAdarsh Gram Yojna (PMAAGY)
  • Digital Transformation of Tribal Schools
  • Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
  • Pradhan Mantri Van DhanYojana
  • Eklavya Model Residential Schools

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