The Maharashtrian community in India is celebrating 'Shivrajyabhisek' (June 6), a day when Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was crowned as king of Maratha Swaraj in 1974. The event proved to be the watershed moment in Maratha history as it also marked the beginning of Hindavi Swarajya in India.
The Maharashtrian community in India is celebrating 'Shivrajyabhisek' (June 6), a day when Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was crowned as king of Maratha Swaraj in 1974. The event proved to be the watershed moment in Maratha history as it also marked the beginning of Hindavi Swarajya in India.
Early life of Shivaji
Coronation at Raigad fort
Why this event is historically significant?
Rule of Shivaji
Designation/Title of Ashta Pradhan |
Pantpradhan / Peshwa (Prime Minister) |
Sar-i-Naubat / Senapati (Commander-in-Chief) |
Amatya / Mazumdar (Finance Minister) |
Sumant / Dabir - (Foreign Minister) |
Shurunavis/Sacheev (Secretary) |
Nyayadhish (Chief Justice) |
Waqia-Navis (Interior Minister) |
Panditrao (High priest) |
Shivaji’s warfare strategy
Chhatrapati Shivaji adopted the Guerrilla war strategy. The Guerrilla strategy aims at avoiding pitched battles. It strives to change the balance of military force by tactful operations. It knows no distinction between the offensive and defensive. Its strategy is always offensive. The descriptive label attached to such war was Ghanimi Kava
Shivaji’s Naval Power
Hindavi Swaraj
Chhatrapati Shivaji's great achievement was to instill among his fellow countrymen a spirit of self-reliance and independence. The resolute passion of independence he kindled among the people, is the most precious legacy of his Swarajya to modern India.
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