China has added cryptocurrency mining to a draft list of industries in which investment is restricted or prohibited, although it reduced the number of sectors on the list overall.
What is Cryptocurrency?
What is in the latest ban?
What can be the reasons behind the ban?
The concept of digital rupee in India
Government’s stance on cryptocurrency trading Inter-ministerial committee: The Government of India made an inter-ministerial committee in November 2017 to examine the future of virtual currencies.
IMF’s warning to India
Cryptocurrencies — digital commerce tools that aren’t linked to a centralized banking authority — first appeared in China around 2008. Chinese banks began to prohibit the use of digital currencies in 2013 and stepped up regulations after 2016.
So, although bans on crypto currencies by Chinese authorities or similar actions do not put any stumbling blocks for digital currency traders in India, they — on the other hand — give good buying opportunities to investors.
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