The area under the flagship crop insurance scheme fell 17% in the two years upto kharif season 2018. At a time when rural incomes are sliding, this is the only existing safety net for farmers who seem to have lost interest in the scheme. It must be assessed why.
The area under the flagship crop insurance scheme fell 17% in the two years upto kharif season 2018. At a time when rural incomes are sliding, this is the only existing safety net for farmers who seem to have lost interest in the scheme. It must be assessed why.
How did the farmers enlist in crop insurance?
What are the issues that farmers face?
Flaws in the scheme
Structural Issues:
Solutions to fill in the lacunae in crop insurance scheme
Between 1985 and 2012-13, the reach of India’s crop insurance schemes was modest. PMFBY made some progress in addressing in reducing insurance premiums and expanding the insurance coverage to include more crops and risk factors faced by farmers. However, the scheme remains behind its own target. One of the major bottlenecks in accessing PMFBY is that farmers lack documents and land records to avail insurance. Also, compensation is often delayed, inadequate, and even denied. All these result in farmers facing a severe fund shortage to start their next cycle of crops. As droughts become more frequent with climate change, the concerns in better implementation of the scheme need to be addressed at the earliest.
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