The Kuruba community has been demanding the Schedule Tribe tag and held a massive rally in the outskirts of Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Sub-topic GS-II: Issues related to SCs & STs, Indian Constitution, Various Schemes for the Vulnerable Sections |
The Kuruba community has been demanding the Schedule Tribe tag and held a massive rally in the outskirts of Bengaluru, Karnataka.
The Kurubas Community
What is the present reservation quota in Karnataka?
Supreme Court 1992 Order
What is meant by Scheduled Tribes?
How Scheduled Tribes are protected?
What are the challenges faced by STs in India?
Why the demand for ST status is increasing?
The Indian Constitution ensures certain protection for communities deemed as having Scheduled Tribe (ST) status. However, which groups should be accorded that status has been contentious. To avail of the protections and benefits of being accorded ST status, communities in India try to prove themselves as meeting the criteria.
The situation needs well-developed, transparent criteria and a clear definition of what makes groups eligible for ST status. Developing such criteria with specific economic and social data that can help compare communities requesting ST status with other STs and to the Indian population at large would limit the precarious character of deciding who belongs to what group, thereby ensuring greater transparency and confidence in the process of awarding deserving communities ST status.
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