Recently, the Lok Sabha passed the Family Courts (Amendment) Bill, 2022 which seeks to amend the Family Courts Act, 1984 to establish family courts in Himachal Pradesh and Nagaland.
How do the Family Courts come into existence?
Salient features of Family Courts Act, 1984:
Jurisdiction of the Family Court Act 1984:
About Family Courts (Amendment) Bill:
Need for an amendment and why does it only concern two States:
Changes Proposed:
Lack of uniformity regarding the rules laid down by different states also leads to vagueness in the proper application of the Act. Though the Act was aimed at removing the gender biases in Statuary legislation. The goal is yet to be achieved. The family courts need to adopt various dynamic steps for the smooth and proper functioning of the family court, especially when the pending court cases, are touching new heights.
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