India is projected to surpass China as the world’s most populous country in 2023, according to the 27th edition of the United Nations’ World Population Prospects, 2022.
Growth of Population in India:
Findings of the Report:
Comparison with China:
The rising Population of India could be turned into an economic asset:
Required measures
The population can be our strength only when we have the resources and power to feedand provide the basic facilities, health care, and jobs. But in reality, we don’t have the necessary resources to do this. So, we must put our efforts into the prevention of further increase in the population. We need to strike a balance between quality and quantity. The demographic dividend of India will become a liability if the country does not produce enough jobs and the required workforce.India's young population, and its demographic dividend, give India the potential to become a global production hub as well as a large consumer of goods and services.
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