Days after being shunted out from the post of Mumbai Police Commissioner, Param Bir Singh has alleged that Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh had demanded ?100 crore every month from suspended police officer Sachin Vaze, now in custody of National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the Mukesh Ambani bomb scare case.
Days after being shunted out from the post of Mumbai Police Commissioner, Param Bir Singh has alleged that Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh had demanded ?100 crore every month from suspended police officer Sachin Vaze, now in custody of National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the Mukesh Ambani bomb scare case.
Why are they needed?
How are they ensured?
Importance of Non-partisanship and Neutrality in Bureaucracy
Types of neutrality
Sometimes, it is classified into two types.
Conduct Rules for Neutrality
The Central Civil Services Conduct Rules, 1964 and the All India Services Conduct Rules 1968: They lay down the following provisions to ensure neutrality of public servants:
Challenges to Neutrality
Democratically elected leaders legislate and make policy, the permanent executive of civil servants is meant to advise and execute it, irrespective of their own views. Politicisation of Bureaucracy leads to undue political influence in the governance. Bureaucrats need to maintain political neutrality and impartiality to ensure the triumph of democracy and smooth functioning of its institutions.
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