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26th March 2022 (6 Topics)

Military Technology: GSAT 7B Satellites


ISRO has developed the GSAT 7B satellites to provide communication assistance to defence.


Key highlights-

  • The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has given the Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for capital acquisition proposals for defence services amounting to Rs 8,357 crore.
  • It has been assisted with the devices like Night Sight (image intensifier), 4X4 light vehicles, and Air Defence Fire Control Radar (light). 

What are GSAT satellites?

  • GSAT 7 satellites are advanced satellites developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to meet the communication needs of the defence services.
  • It has been launched in August 2013 from an Ariane 5 ECA rocket from Kourou in French Guiana.
  • It is a 2,650 kg satellite which has a range of nearly 2,000 nautical miles in the Indian Ocean region. This satellite is mainly used by the Indian Navy for its communication needs.
  • Some of the facilities of this satellite are low bit voice rate to high bit rate data facilities, including multi-band communications. Eg- rukini satellite
  • The satellite can be injected into a geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) of 249 km perigee (nearest point to earth), 35,929 km apogee (farthest point to earth) and an inclination of 3.5 degree with respect to the equator.
  • Role of GSAT 7 series satellites-
    • The GSAT 7B will primarily fulfil the communication needs of the Army. Currently, the Army is using 30 per cent of the communication capabilities of the GSAT 7A satellite, which has been designed for the Indian Air Force (IAF).
    • The GSAT 7A has been launched in 2018. It also helps in satellite controlled operations of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which gives a great deal of reliability to the operations as compared to ground controlled operations.
    • The GSAT 7B will help to develop the surveillance system for the defence as well as provide strong range of network keeping security and privacy of the information intact.
    • A GSAT 7C satellite is on its way to be proposed for the IAF, and a proposal to this effect was cleared by the DAC in 2021. This satellite would facilitate real time communication with IAF’s software defined radio communication sets. It will increase the capability of the IAF to communicate beyond the line of sight in a secure mode.

Some of the other satellites present in India are-  

  • The electromagnetic intelligence gathering satellite (EMISAT) developed by ISRO, was launched in April 2020 through a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C45).
    • It has an Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) package called Kautilya, which allows the interception of ground-based radar and also carries out electronic surveillance across India.
  •  India also has a RISAT 2BR1 synthetic aperture radar imaging satellite, which was launched in December 2019.
    • It has the capability to operate in different modes including very high resolution imaging modes of 1×0.5 metre resolution and 0.5×0.3 m resolution with a swath of 5-10 km.

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