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9th February 2022 (6 Topics)

Powerthon 2022


Union Power Minister launched a hackathon, named Powerthon-2022, to find tech-driven solutions for quality power supply.


About Powerthon-2022:

  • Powerthon-2022 is a hackathon competition under RDSS (Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme).
  • The POWERTHON-2022, will act as a platform for competitive screening of the established TSPs and startups to showcase their technology driven solutions for solving complex problems in power distribution.
  • It seeks to ensure quality and reliable power supply.
  • To run this competition, power ministry will have a standing body. This innovation will be open and an ongoing scheme.
  • Under the programme, ideas and concepts will be rewarded with licence. The development of prototypes will also be fostered.

Launch of Powerthon-2022:

  • The launch of Powerthon-2022 was announced by REC Limited in collaboration with Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE) under IIT Bombay as ‘incubator cum technology partner’.
  • The nine themes for the hackathon are:
    1. demand/load forecasting
    2. AT&C (Aggregate Technical and Commercial) loss reduction
    3. energy theft detection
    4. prediction of DT (Distribution Transformer) failure
    5. asset inspection
    6. vegetation management
    7. consumer experience enhancement
    8. renewable energy integration
    9. Power purchase optimisation.

RDSS (Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme):

  • It is a reforms-based and results-linked scheme.
  • It seeks to improve the operational efficiencies and financial sustainability of all DISCOMs/Power Departments excluding Private Sector DISCOMs.
  • The scheme envisages the provision of conditional financial assistance to DISCOMs for strengthening supply infrastructure.

Objectives of the scheme:

  • Reduction of average aggregate technical and commercial loss to pan-India levels of 12-15% by 2024-25.
  • Narrow the deficit between the cost of electricity and the price at which it is supplied to zero by 2024-25.
  • Developing institutional capabilities for modern DISCOMs.
  • Improvement in the quality, reliability, and affordability of power supply to consumers through a financially sustainable and operationally efficient distribution sector.

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