What's New :

Integrates Battle Groups’

Published: 25th May, 2020

The Army’s new concept of agile Integrated Battle Groups (IBG) as part of the overall force transformation is going to be operationalised very soon.


The Army’s new concept of agile Integrated Battle Groups (IBG) as part of the overall force transformation is going to be operationalised very soon.


  • An IBG is a mix of infantry, artillery, air defence, tanks and logistics units, as part of bringing a change in warfighting capability.
  • The IBGs are brigade sized agile self-sufficient combat formations which, can swiftly launch strikes against adversary.
  • Each IBG would be tailor made based on Threat, Terrain and Task and resources will be allotted based on the three Ts.
  • They will be able to mobilise within 12-48 hours based on the location.
  • The Army has extensively “test bedded” the IBGs to fine-tune the concept.

The impact

  • They are to replace the current Cold Start Doctrine, which called for defensive corps to carry out shallow cross-border thrusts within 72 hours for limited objectives such as the capture of territory. Gen.
  • The IBGs are to perform both offensive roles, involving cross-border operations, and defensive roles to withstand an enemy attack.

Each IBG will be headed by a major general. The integrated units for the border will be all-encompassing, with artillery, armoured, combat engineers and signal units.

What is Cold Start doctrine (CSD)?

  • The Indian Army's so-called Cold Start doctrine (CSD), also known as Pro-Active doctrine, envisages swift deployment of troops on the western border within days if a situation of a full-blown war arises.
  • This doctrine aims to allow Indian forces to conduct sustained attacks while preventing a nuclear retaliation from Pakistan.
  • It was after the conclusion of Operation Parakram in the year 2002, a military standoff between India and Pakistan, that the ‘Cold Start’ doctrine began to find a place in the Indian military setup.

Significance of IBG

  • The IBG will help the Army carry out swift strikes in case of a war situation. 
  • All the IBGs will be theatre-specific which means that a unit deployed in the deserts of Rajasthan will have equipment and forces trained for desert warfare while those deployed in the mountains will be suitably equipped and trained.  


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