Jan Soochna Portal (JSP) launched by Rajasthan government is a landmark achievement in the furtherance of right to information.
Jan Soochna Portal (JSP) launched by Rajasthan government is a landmark achievement in the furtherance of right to information.
Training of Citizens: The government of Rajasthan has also taken steps to train citizens so that they are aware of the facilities available. This by itself may not be enough. Therefore, it has been decided to host the JSP in decentralized locations, right down to the municipal ward and Panchayat levels. They will have access to welfare schemes, revenue activities such as mining, and other service delivery issues such as health and education.
The development, operationalization and maintenance of the JSP are huge challenges. The Rajasthan government has issued directions to all departments for the digitization of all records.
It would be wonderful if all other State governments follow the Rajasthan government’s initiative, which aims to make people, including the marginalised sections, a part of the governance process.
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