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Mainamati Maitree Exercise 2019

Published: 7th Mar, 2019

Border Security Force (BSF) and Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) recently concluded a three-day ‘Mainamati Maitree Exercise 2019’ as a part of ‘Confidence Building Measures’ between the two border guards.


Border Security Force (BSF) and Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) recently concluded a three-day ‘Mainamati Maitree Exercise 2019’ as a part of ‘Confidence Building Measures’ between the two border guards.


  • The exercise was named after a hill range situated 8 km west of Comilla Township in Bangladesh, which is home to an ancient Buddhist archaeological site in the region.
  • The main objective of this exercise was to plan and conduct anti-smuggling and anti-criminal activity related operations with ultimate aim of achieving better joint operational efficiency and border management in the area of responsibility of respective BSF and BGB Battalions participating in the joint exercise.
  • During the joint exercise held here, troops from both border guarding forces participated in joint patrolling, anti-smuggling drills on contraband goods through riverine border of River Gomati, simulated raids on suspected places of concealment inside territories of both countries, effective checking of goods and identity control of passengers at respective International Check-Posts (ICPs), holding flag meetings and other information sharing mechanism.
  • The exercise ended with a debriefing of officers and men by officiating Inspector General of BSF in Tripura Frontier AK Singh and Region Commander of BGB region of Sarail.

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