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National commission for allied and healthcare professions bill 2021

Published: 30th Mar, 2021

National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Bill passed by Parliament to regulate practice of allied and healthcare professionals.


National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Bill passed by Parliament to regulate practice of allied and healthcare professionals.


  • The health workforce in the Indian scenario has been defined with a focus mainly on a few cadres such as doctors, nurses and frontline workers.
  • Many other professionals belonging to more than fifty allied and health care professions continue to remain under-utilised and unregulated in the health system and there has been a persistent demand for a regulatory framework for such professions for several decades.

Features of the Bill

  • National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions: The Bill seeks to set up a National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions to regulate and standardize the education and practice of allied and healthcare professionals.
  • The functions of the proposed National Commission: include framing of standards for education and practice, creating and maintaining an online Central Register of all registered professionals, providing basic standards of education, and providing for a uniform entrance and exit examination.
  • State Register or the National Register: Under the legislation, only those enrolled in a State Register or the National Register as a qualified allied and healthcare practitioner would be allowed to practice as an allied and healthcare practitioner.
  • The Bill defines an ‘allied health professional’: as an associate, technician, or technologist trained to support the diagnosis and treatment of any illness, disease, injury, or impairment.
  • A ‘healthcare professional’ includes: a scientist, therapist, or any other professional who studies, advises, researches, supervises, or provides preventive, curative, rehabilitative, therapeutic, or promotional health services.
  • Allied and healthcare professions: that are mentioned in the Bill include professionals working in life sciences, trauma and burn care, surgical and anaesthesia related technology, physiotherapists, and nutrition science.

Significance of the Bill

  • The bill will increase the employment opportunities for the healthcare and allied professionals and will also provide dignity to their valuable works.
  • There is an extreme demand for qualified healthcare professionals and that the legislation will provide the required impetus in providing affordable healthcare to the people.
  • It will standardise and regulate education and practice.
  • It would provide for a uniform entrance and exit examination, among others.

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