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New waste water treatment technology

Published: 21st Jun, 2021

A new wastewater treatment technology is being developed that would reduce the high costs of existing technologies for handling oily wastewater generated at their source points.


A new wastewater treatment technology is being developed that would reduce the high costs of existing technologies for handling oily wastewater generated at their source points.


About the technology

  • The new technology consists of an affordable electric field-assisted membrane separation device for oily wastewater treatment.
  • It has been built with support from the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies programme of the Department of Science & Technology (DST).
  • This technology uses a combination of Electrocoagulation and Electroflotation Enhanced Membrane Module (ECEFMM) techniques for waste water treatment.
  • So far, the separation technology running in different sectors for treating such oily wastewater involves the installation of an electrolytic cell or DAF followed by membrane unit.
  • However, installing two separate units requires a high footprint area compared to the present unit, where two-unit operations are being assimilated in a single unit.
What is Electrocoagulation?
  • It is a broad-spectrum treatment technology that removes total suspended solids (TSS), heavy metals, emulsified oils, bacteria and other contaminants from water.
  • This technique that uses electrical charge for changing the particle surface charge, allowing suspended matter to form aggregates.
What is Electroflotation?
  • Electroflotation is the separation of suspended particles from water using hydrogen and oxygen bubbles generated by passing electricity through water.

Some of the Indian Government Steps

  • The Government has set a growth target for the manufacturing sector from 16% of GDP to reach 25% of GDP by 2025. 
  • The National Manufacturing Policy and the emphasis on “Make in India” is a powerful strategy for economic development. 
  • In accordance with this objective, DST has initiated this program for developing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in October 2015.
  • Five thrust areas were selected for developing novel manufacturing technologies:
    1. Nano materials & surfaces
    2. Robotics & automation
    3. Precision manufacturing
    4. Manufacturing process of Pharmaceuticals Bio manufacturing
    5. Advanced forming & near net shaped processing

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