Over 200 organisations sign statement on protection of indigenous Amazonians. They demanded a ban on all industrial activity and proselytisation in indigenous territory in addition to proper health services and law enforcement.
Over 200 organisations sign statement on protection of indigenous Amazonians. They demanded a ban on all industrial activity and proselytisation in indigenous territory in addition to proper health services and law enforcement.
What’s the demand?
Threat arising from Coronavirus:
The threats posed by COVID-19 to indigenous communities vary over the enormous expanse of the Amazon rainforest. They are compounded by ongoing invasions of indigenous territories and the targeting of indigenous leaders with violence and intimidation.
The road ahead:
COVID-19 is advancing into indigenous territories, with initial cases of infections being documented in the Shipibo community of Nuevo Bethel in the central Amazon region. Without guidance from public health agencies, many indigenous groups are taking preventative measures on their own to stop the coronavirus from entering their communities. These include voluntary social distancing, use of proper hygiene practices, suspension of major protests, events, travel and even the closing of traffic between villages to prevent the disease's progression.
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