The Delhi High Court has done away with the previous practice of designating a senior advocate wherein a joint proposal from three senior advocates was required for an advocate to be considered for the post of a senior advocate.
The Delhi High Court has done away with the previous practice of designating a senior advocate wherein a joint proposal from three senior advocates was required for an advocate to be considered for the post of a senior advocate.
Previous Practice - Earlier, the rules mandated that three senior advocates designated by Delhi High Court, with not less than five years individual standing at the Bar, as senior advocate, may jointly make a proposal to the High Court for designation of an advocate as a senior advocate.
New Practice - Any advocate who fulfils the eligibility conditions prescribed herein before may submit a written application for being designated as Senior Advocate to the Registrar General.
Supreme Court Advocates
Three categories of Advocates are entitled to practice law before the Supreme Court. They are:
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