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Study Animals through DNA from surrounding Air

Published: 10th Apr, 2021

The eDNA monitoring is a very common tool among researchers and regulatory agencies and the sampling of eDNA can help in determining the presence of organisms in a particular environment.


The eDNA monitoring is a very common tool among researchers and regulatory agencies and the sampling of eDNA can help in determining the presence of organisms in a particular environment.


About eDNA

  • DNA is the genetic material present in the cells of most living beings and animals and plants shed cells through the interaction with the environment.
  • Over the time, environmental elements degrade the cells and expel the DNA.
  • The size of DNA is quite small and is resilient that it can persist in the environment for months and years.
  • Scientists call these DNA as residual or environmental DNA (eDNA).

How the eDNA study is conducted?

  • The PCR is used to amplify DNA from the mitochondria of the trapped cells.

PCR or the polymerase chain reaction

  • It is a chemical reaction that identifies the presence of specific DNA in a sample and rapidly makes multiple copies or amplifies its presence.


  • It is a repository of all known genetic sequences.
  • The amplified DNA is then sequenced to have the genetic sequence.
  • The sequenced DNA is compared with the sequences with those stored in an international database called GenBank to look for matches.

Significance of Study

  • Presence study:Sampling eDNA can help in determining the presence of organisms in a particular environment.
  • Varied study:eDNA has allowed scientists
    • to surveil invasive species
    • to study the spread of fungi and pollen in geographical regions
    • to monitor aquatic environments

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