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Swamitva scheme

Published: 4th May, 2020

PM Narendra Modi launched the Swamitva scheme on Panchayati Raj Divas. The scheme is already being run in pilot mode across 6 states.


PM Narendra Modi launched the Swamitva scheme on Panchayati Raj Divas. The scheme is already being run in pilot mode across 6 states.


  • ‘Swamitva Yojana’ or Ownership Scheme aims to map residential land ownership in the rural sector using modern technology like the use of drones.
  • It will create property ownership record of land in villages and empower rural population with grant of official document confirming their ownership of land titles.
  • Measurement: The residential land in villages will be measured using drones to create a non-disputable record. It is the latest technology for surveying and measuring of land.
    • Drones will draw a digital map of every property falling within the geographical limits of a village and demarcate the boundaries of every revenue area.
  • The scheme will be carried out in close coordination with the Central Panchayati Raj ministry, Survey of India, Panchayati Raj departments and Revenue departments of various states.
  • Property card: Property card for every property in the village will be prepared by states using accurate measurements delivered by drone-mapping.
    • These cards will be given to property owners and will be recognised by the land revenue records department.
  • The scheme is piloted by the Panchayati Raj ministry of the Union government.
  • The property records for a village will also be maintained at the Panchayat level, allowing for the collection of associated taxes from the owners.
  • The money generated from these local taxes will be used to build rural infrastructure and facilities.

What was the need of such scheme?

  • The need for this Yojana was felt since several villagers in the rural areas do not have papers proving ownership of their land.
  • In most states, survey and measurement of the populated areas in the villages has not been done for the purpose of attestation/verification of properties.

Benefits of the scheme:

  • Clarity over property rights: The Swamitva scheme helps to map rural inhabited lands using drones and latest survey methods. It will ensure streamlined planning, revenue collection and provide clarity over property rights in rural areas.
  • Easy financing: This will open up avenues for applying for loans from financial institutions by the owners.
  • Settled disputes: Disputes related to property would also be settled through the title deeds allotted through this scheme.
  • Appreciation of property value: Freeing the residential properties including land of title disputes and the creation of an official record is likely to result in appreciation in the market value of the properties.
  • Better utilisation of funds: The accurate property records can be used for facilitating tax collection, new building and structure plan, issuing of permits and for thwarting attempts at property grabbing.

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