As per RBI guidelines, with effect from 1st July 2022, neither businesses nor payment aggregators can save customer card details on their platforms.
Purpose of Tokenisation
Benefits of tokenization
The main benefits of tokenization include the following:
Types of tokens
There are numerous ways tokens can be classified.However, three main types of tokens as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). These are:
Difference between tokenisation and encryption:
Encryption |
Tokenisation |
Used to transform plain text into cipher text mathematically using an encryption algorithm |
Used to generate a random token value for plain text and then stores the mapping in a database |
Used for structured and unstructured data fields |
Used for structured data fields, like card details |
Easy to scale to large data volumes using a small encryption key |
Difficulty may arise to scale securely as database size increases |
Comes with a trade-off of lower strength with the format-preserving encryption schemes |
Easy to maintain format without losing strength of data security |
Make the original data leaves the organization but in encrypted format |
Does not require the original data to leave the organization, which satisfies various compliance requirements |
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