What's New :
3rd January 2023 (8 Topics)

When degrees lose their worth


  • The article ponders upon the ever-increasing urge to gather more and more degrees. It discusses how the job market scenario further fuels this urge.

An educational bazaar

  • Market of qualifications: Its growth feeds on itself, in the sense that the greater the variety of qualifications on offer, the faster grows the demand for them.
  • Internal Driving Force: The system encourages students to gather additional qualifications by defining course content and its aims narrowly. It is known as specialization. Then comes, the phrase ‘job ready’, leading to a chase for one certificate after another.
  • External Driving Force: The fear of joblessness fuels the urge to gain new eligibility. The volatility of the job market also implies that no job can last for long; hence the anxiety to become eligible for as many types of jobs as possible.
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