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25th August 2022 (6 Topics)

‘Wind project addition to peak by 2024’


According to a report released by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and MEC+ (a consulting firm that specialises in renewable energy), annual installation of new wind power projects in India will peak by 2024 and likely decline thereafter.


India and Wind Power:

  • Wind Energy Capacity is growing rapidly around the world as countries transition away from fossil fuels in favour of low-carbon alternatives, in an effort to reduce emissions and limit global warming.
  • The technology can be deployed either onshore – which is by far the largest market – or offshore, using either fixed-bottom turbines anchored to the sea floor or, on a much smaller scale, floating structures that can be based in deeper waters.
  • As part of its transition away from fossil fuels, India has committed to sourcing half its electricity in 2030 from non-fossil fuel sources and installing 60 gigawatt (GW, or 1000 MW) of wind power by 2022.
  • So far, only 40 GW of wind power capacity has been established.
  • The Government is promoting wind power projects in entire country through private sector investment by providing various fiscal and financial incentives such as Accelerated Depreciation benefit; concessional custom duty exemption on certain components of wind electric generators. 

Key Finding of the report:

  • India currently has 13.4 GW of prospective projects in wind energy, which are expected to drive installations until 2024 in the market.
  • India is expected to add 3.2 GW in 2022, 4.1 GW in 2023 peaking to 4.6 GW in 2024, thereafter declining to 4 GW and 3.5 GW in the next two years, respectively.
  • After 2024, fresh projects are likely to be wind-solar hybrid projects (where both systems are installed on a piece of land to generate power through the day).


  • Wind power has been used by man from time immemorial. Before the steam engine was invented, trade across the oceans was only possible by means of sailing vessels. Windmills ground grain and drove water pumps for irrigation and drainage purposes.
  • The first endeavours to revive this environmentally friendly technology were undertaken in the fifties. However, it wasn’t until the oil crisis of the seventies, together with an increasing awareness of the environment, which helped to revive wind power in recent times.
  • Modern wind turbines utilise the lift principle rather than the resistance principle. Similar to the wing of an aircraft, the wind flow passing over the rotor blades of the wind turbine generates a lifting force, which makes the rotor turn around.
  • While only a maximum of 15 % of the wind energy can be transformed by applying the resistance principle, a yield of up to 60 % can be achieved by applying the lift principle.
  • Depending on the wind velocity, it is possible to differentiate between four phases of operation. At very low wind speed, the wind energy is not sufficient to overcome the system’s moments of friction and inertia, and the rotors remain stationary.
  • The towers of the largest wind turbines today are more than 120 metres high, so that together with the rotor blades the wind turbines reach a height of up to 170 m. As a rule: the higher the tower, the less interference from air turbulence caused by ground roughness and the mean wind velocities are higher.
  • The towers are generally realised as steel-jacketed constructions which least influence the surrounding countryside due to their slim design.



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