The Camera Trap estimation of tiger numbers in source populations, in tiger reserves was poorly done which was a violation of capture-recapture modeling.
The estimated of prey species densities from line transects were poorly done which is against the current practices.
The complicated, ‘double-sampling’ based regression model is somewhat flawed and obsolete approach.
Their statistical methodology of relying on calibrations and regressions based on track and dung surveys to generate wider estimate tiger numbers in wider landscapes was also deeply flawed.
Based on Enumerators Subjective Ability to Identify Individual Tigers from Pugmarks.
Variation in Pugmarks with substratum, gait, and observers recording skills
Not possible to obtain Pugmarks from all Tiger Occupied Landscapes.
Camera trap method becomes useless in areas having salty waters. It damages the camera.
Not always that someone will get the poop of all the tigers in an area.
In Radio Collar Method the method fails when the concerned tiger enters the salty water.