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Democracy, Polity and Governance

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Published: 6th Mar, 2021

Democracy, Polity and Governance
  • Democracy as a system of Governance is supposed to allow extensive representation and inclusiveness of as many people and views as possible to feed into the functioning of a fair and just society.
  • The definition of democracy is incomplete unless it is defined in social and individual contexts.
  • Nevertheless, in the recent years in our country, it becomes phenomena that the attitudes and behaviour of the politicians and elected persons and the actions of the political parties, their way of functioning, organisation and the modes of campaigns dilute the concept and philosophy of “Democracy”.
  • We have seen and experienced the news of muscle power, money power and worthless propaganda being publicised as their means and ways.
  • Large-scale false promises by the candidates and political parties are also vividly visible in their election rallies and manifestoes.
  • Even after the elections, the practices of unnecessary and unreasonable horse-trading have also been alarmingly increasing during the last few years.
  • Democratic ideals represent various aspects of the broad idea of “Government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
  • They include political characteristics that can be seen to be intrinsically important in terms of the objective of democratic social living, such as freedom of expression, participation of the people in deciding the factors governing their lives, public accountability of leaders and an equitable distribution of power.
  • Democratic Governance is a condition in which the promise of justice, liberty and equality enshrined in the Constitution is realised in a democratic political framework, where the Government is sensitive to the people’s identities, aspirations and needs and where people feel secure and content.
  • Only then the meaning of democratic governance will be honoured.

Major challenges

  • Corruption: The biggest challenge and threat that our democracy is facing in India today is the rampant corruption.
    • In spite of establishing various agencies to contain/check, the most dignified symbol of Indian democracy has now become diluted. Corruption continues to exist in covert and overt ways at all three levels— political, bureaucratic and corporate sector.
  • Crisis of governance: The crisis of governance in India has been taking place very frequently. As a matter of fact, it is a consequence of the breakdown of democratic institutions and the emergence of an unholy nexus between inefficient, corrupt civil servants and vote-hungry politicians. To have/establish good governance does not occur by chance.
  • Disunity: Unity or disunity existing at a particular moment is also always an issue. It is a fact that during pre-independent period, Hindus and Muslims of India were fairly united. If the status quo is again now maintained, Indian Democracy, Polity and Governance will be meaningful.

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