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Economic Survey (2016-17) Volume 2

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Published: 28th Aug, 2017

Economic Survey (2016-17) Volume 2
Government has recently released the Economic Survey Volume II. Economic Survey may provide a clear cut picture of the Indian Economy and latest trends associated with it. Since it is very bulky in nature often candidates fail to extract crux of survey which is important for Mains Examination. Here is an attempt to fill the gap in shortest possible way. We have designed complete Economic Survey in QnA format with 35 Questions. This will be helpful for QUICK REVISION in the last minute. It covers following chapters: 1. State of the Economy: An Analytical overview 2. Macroeconomic status of Economy • Fiscal Developments • Monetary Management and Financial Intermediation • Prices & Inflation 3. External Sector 4. Economic Sectors • Agriculture and Food Management • Industry and Infrastructure • Services Sector 5. Social Infrastructure, Employment and Human Development 6. Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Energy

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