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Economic Survey 2018-2019: Volume-2

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Published: 17th Jul, 2019

Economic Survey 2018-2019: Volume-2

The Economic Survey is formulated by the Economic Division of the Department of Economic Affairs in the Finance Ministry under the overall counseling of the Chief Economic Adviser. The first Economic Survey of India was bestowed in 1950-51. We at GS Score endeavored to provide a synopsis of Economic Survey 2018-19. We aspire that it will assist as reappraisal instrument for both prelims and mains.

Why to read economic survey?

  • It gives the attribute of various sectors of the economy and overall economic scenario of the country in the past years. Not only this, it also provides an framework for the year ahead.
  • It is highly efficacious for IAS aspirants. Every year 8-10 questions directly come from economic survey in UPSC Prelims exam.
  • For the Mains GS-3, current part of the syllabus related to economic and to some extent social developments can be formulated from the survey.
  • It accommodates very important and relevant data which can be directly quoted in the GS papers, essay and even in some humanities optional.
  • It helps in understanding the macro parameters of the economies and get a government point of view upon conflicting issues.

Economic Survey 2018-2019: Highlights

1.State of the Economy in 2018-19: A Macro View
2. Fiscal Developments
3. Monetary Management and Financial Intermediation
4. Prices and Inflation 
5. Sustainable Development and Climate Change
6. External Sector
7. Agriculture and Food Management
8.  Industry and Infrastructure
9. Services Sector
10. Social Infrastructure, Employment and Human Development


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