India has made remarkable progress in the field of agriculture and the allied sector during the course of seven decades of planned economic development. In India, the major food crops are cereals like rice, wheat, maize, jowar, bajra etc. and pulses like gram, tur, moong beans, masur, peas etc. Presently, India is not only self-sufficient in food grains but also a net exporter of agricultural products, occupying the seventh position in the world.
Trends in Agricultural Production
Growth rate among commercial crops the growth (In descending order)
Trends in Horticultural Production:
Trends in Livestock Production:
Additional Related Information What is Prime Minister MatsyaSampada Yojana? It is an umbrella scheme to develop the fisheries sector with a total outlay of Rs. 20050 crores. It has two components:
The central sponsor scheme component of the PMMSY will cover three broad sub-components:
It intends to work on:
Trends in Agricultural Trade:
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