UPSC Prelims Examination is a Zero-Sum Game, where every mark matters for the candidates. With every single mark, students get inched towards the Prelims selection list. For this purpose, every topic and subject matters in the UPSC preparation. And, it has been observed that around 3-4 questions or sometimes even more related to topics of International importance are being asked by UPSC every consecutive year.
For the same purpose, GS SCORE has released the Fact File on International Agreements and Summits under its Prelims Sampoorna Fact File Series. This file contains the updated information on almost all the Agreements and Summits that have taken place internationally in the last 1 and a half year. The file covers all the important information related to that particular event along with the essential value-added material. The Fact File is exclusive in itself in terms of the coverage of the events and the quality of content. This Fact File will be a very good source to cover all the events for UPSC Prelims 2022.
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