India Year Book is one of the most recognized books for UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE). This annual publication is issued by the Publication Division (media unit) of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It includes the report of all the ministries under the Government of India. In short, this compilation is a comprehensive digest of the country's progress in various aspects. Though it is equally important in all the stages of the examination, it assumes greater significance in the Preliminary Examination 2023 as it covers all the relevant information regarding Government’s programs and policies; and other important updates of the country in all the different sectors. The GIST OF INDIA YEAR BOOK 2023 published by GS SCORE covers the most relevant chapters in a crisp format to save time and increase efficiency. We not only summarize the important data and information but also add value to it by integrating important notes and extra information regarding the concept. The GIST also has MCQs based on the India Year Book.
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