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Gist of Kurukshetra- Rural Prosperity: Rural Health:

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Published: 7th Oct, 2019

Gist of Kurukshetra- Rural Prosperity: Rural Health:

Rural health in India has made progress in terms of services and infrastructure in the last seven decades. The period of 2002-17 has been argued as the first major health system reforms since India’s independence. The period of 2017-19 has many similarities with the period of 2002-05 and has potential to become the second wave of health reforms in India.

  • Two-third of India’s population lives in rural areas. Health of rural population is vital for the overall health and development of nation.

    National Health Policy 2017:

    • Proposal that Govt. would be sole provider of Primary health care services.
    • Provision and attention on special populations such as Tribal health.
    • Increasing Government spending on health to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2025.
    • Two-third or more govt. spending on health for primary health care.
    • State governments to increase spending from 5 per cent to 8 per cent of state budget.

NITI Aayog strategic plan for new India(2018-22)

  • Universal health coverage,
  • Comprehensive primary health care,
  • Human resources for health; and
  •      Public health care and management.

New health initiatives by Government for newborns and adolescents:

  1. Rashtriya Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (RSSK)
  2. Rashtriya Bal Suraksha Karyakaram (RBSK)
  3. Rashtriya Kishor Suraksha Karyakaram (RKSK)
  4. Kayakalp

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