IAS 2018 : Prelims Special Current Affairs – Volume 1
Published: 8th Feb, 2018
IAS Prelims Special Current Affairs - Volume 1 for GS Mains
Polity and Governance1Electoral Bonds Notified
" The Government of India has notified the Scheme of Electoral
Bonds to cleanse the system of political funding in the country.
The broad Features of the Scheme are given below:
Electoral Bond would be a bearer instrument in the nature of a
Promissory Note and an interest free banking instrument.
A citizen of India or a body incorporated in India will be eligible
to purchase the bond.
Electoral Bond(s) would be issued/purchased for any value, in
multiples of Rs.1,000, Rs.10,000, Rs.1,00,000, Rs.10,00,000 and
Rs.1,00,00,000 from the Specified Branches of the State Bank of
India (SBI).
The purchaser would be allowed to buy Electoral Bond(s) only on
due fulfillment of all the extant KYC norms and by making payment
from a bank account. It will not carry the name of payee.
Electoral Bonds would have a life of only 15 days during which
it can be used for making donation only to the political parties
registered under section 29A of the Representation of the Peoples
Act, 1951 (43 of 1951) and which secured not less than one per
cent of the votes polled in the last general election to the House of
the People or a Legislative Assembly.
The Electoral Bond(s) shall be encashed by an eligible political
party only through a designated bank account with the authorised