The Supreme Court of India delivered several landmark verdicts in recent times. While cases were under proceedings and fueling debate for several years while some others helped pave way for better functioning of the system. UPSC has asked several questions both in Civil Services Preliminary and Mains Examination based on these judgements. GSSCORE has compiled all the landmark Judgements passed by the Supreme Court of India in recent time. This compilation would help the aspirants to fill the gap while studying Indian Polity text book and the Indian Constitution. A fair knowledge about various judgements can be fruitful in writing mains answers that demand constitutional perspectives.
It covers recent important verdicts and its understanding like Sabarimala verdict, and debate revolving around secularism and equality, Aadhar verdict and debate on transparency and accountability, Adultry Verdict, Constitutinal validity of Insolvency and bankruptcy code, Amendmet in Dowry Prohibition Act, Decriminalisation of Gay Sex and LGBT Activism in India, Euthanasia verdict and major hurdles might be posed by religious communities, Reservation in promotion is not a fundamental right, Ayodhya title suit, Chief Justice of India under Right to Information and Understanding judicial independence and judicial accountability and many more.
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